EPOCH is accredited with the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) for Asbestos Testing lab code A3533.
EPOCH is accredited with the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) for airborne fiber analysis (Membership No. 3533).
WorksafeBC recommends you hire a qualified and experienced professional to collect samples from your property to conduct a Hazards Materials Inspection.
A “Qualified Professional” must be licensed to practise in BC and must possess a WorkSafeBC “Level S” Asbestos certification.
To submit samples on your own, insert one sample into a sealed and labeled zip-lock bag. Depending on the material type, acceptable sample quantity need not be larger than a fist and can be as small as 2 square inches or 2 tablespoons. Vermiculite samples however are an exception, and the recommended quantity is a large zip lock freezer bag, with an emphasis on collecting the fine particulate dust that settles on the floor.
Always refer to page 31 and 32 of WorkSafeBC Minimum Bulk Sample Collection Guide (2023).
Label the bags with permanent marker with the following information: address, location collected (bathroom wall, kitchen ceiling, garage floor, attic, etc.), type of material (floor tile, texture coat, joint compound, insulation, etc.) collection date and the sample number in the order you wish the samples to be reported.
You may either mail, courier, or drop off your samples in person at our lab (Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:00pm). You must first complete a Chain of Custody Form which records important information such as the number of samples, the type of material, location of samples taken, current date, signatures and requested turnaround time for results. We will not analyze samples without a completed Chain of Custody, so please ensure it accompanies your delivery. Pre-Payment is required upon submission.
A 24-hour afterhours drop slot is available at both lab locations and no appointment is required. Our hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5:00pm.
Drywall samples should be submitted with presence of Joint Compound or Mud. Collect your sample at a joint, seam or corner bead. New drywall is sometimes date stamped on the edges.
We offer several turn-around times for reporting asbestos results to you. Our standard turnaround time is 24 hours. However, if you require your results sooner, we also offer a RUSH service of less than <4 hours and a HOT RUSH turnaround of less than < 1 hour.
Epoch Analytical will strive to analyze your samples as quickly and efficiently as possible. RUSH (< 4 hour) and HOT RUSH samples however are given priority status. Damp or wet samples may require additional drying time as will samples heavily coated with mastics and roof tars which need to be pre-treated. Insufficient quantity or inadequate sample material types may also cause a delay in results reporting.
There is a minimum 2-5 days turnaround for microscopic identification of Mould and Bacteria.
There is a minimum 2-3 days turnaround for Lead Paints and Coatings. Up to 3 days for leachate testing.
You can’t identify asbestos by looking at it. Asbestos fibers are microscopic. The only way to confirm its presence is to take a sample of the material and have it tested by an accredited laboratory.
Asbestos is often mixed with other materials. If you work in a building built before 1990, it’s likely that at least some parts of the building will contain asbestos.
There are over 3000 construction and industrial products. Common applications include:
Drywall Joint compound, texture “ popcorn ” ceiling, spray applied fireproofing, mechanical insulation, pipe wrap, linoleum, vinyl floor tiles, and plaster, vermiculite, cement board and tiles, cement pipes, textured decorative coating, window putty, caulking, stucco to name a few.
WorkSafeBC’s video: Asbestos Hazards in Renovations, Restorations and Demoltion (2011) This video walks you through an older home, identifying the most common places asbestos is found and highlighting the importance of proper testing and removal.
The price per sample varies with each type of test and the turnaround time selected. Please contact us today for a detailed price list.
Special volume discounts are available for consultants, contractors and asbestos surveyors.
Payment upon sample receipt is required. All forms of payment accepted. A payment form can be obtained from the Online Forms page.
Epoch Analytical Inc is Western Canada’s fully accredited asbestos testing member laboratory belonging to the Canadian Association of Laboratory Accreditation (CALA Lab code 3533). Non-accredited asbestos labs are unregulated and do not possess a rigid quality assurance program. The purpose of a quality assurance program is to ensure that all laboratory testing is performed according to the principles of current good laboratory practices. In other words, a quality system of management controls ensures the uniformity, consistency, reliability, reproducibility, quality, and integrity of documentation and test results. Accreditation makes a huge difference in quality control and analyst competency.
Our analysts are rigorously proficiency tested four times a year by Proficiency Testing Canada (#A3533), National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP #901046) and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (EMPAT and ELPAT #289207), to check for precision and accuracy. Additionally, an external assessor visits and inspects our facility annually.

NVLAP Testing Code: 901046
If your lab report indicates a material is >0.5% or greater in Asbestos – There are six (6) types of asbestos: Chrysotile, Amosite, Actinolite, Tremolite, Tremolite or Anthophylite. The most commonly occurring asbestos in BC is Chrysotile. This means your building is an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) according to WorksafeBC regulations.
If your lab reports “None Detected”, this means your building material sample does not contain any asbestos. However, if you do not submit an adequate number of samples for testing, this may not guarantee an accurate representation of your building materials as not all materials are homogenous. For this reason, it is important to follow WorkSafeBC’s Bulk Sample Collection Guidelines (2017).
Asbestos Awareness for homeowners10 steps to compliance
City of Vancouver Asbestos Policy
Safe Work Practises for Handling Asbestos
To report an unsafe condition or to get additional information, call WorkSafeBC Prevention Infoline:
604 276-3100 in the Lower Mainland
1 888 621-7233 toll-free within B.C.
1 866 922-4357 after hours emergencies
As of January 1, 2024, WorkSafeBC requires a survey for Hazardous Materials to be completed by a licensed qualified professional before any demolition or renovation work begins on structures built prior to 1995. Additionally, WorkSafeBC also requires written confirmation that ALL hazardous materials identified in the survey have been either safely contained or removed. In most cities and municipalities in BC, this survey is a condition of the demolition or deconstruction permit process.
The Hazardous Materials Survey is also a valuable pre-purchase report for home and building buyers to fully understand the potential scope (and cost) of remediation that a building or home may require prior to renovation or demolition. Please contact Epoch Environmental Consulting for more information. Epoch field staff employs certified Level S trained specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience with many types of asbestos and hazardous materials issues. For over 30 years, Epoch Environmental Consulting Ltd has accumulated in-depth knowledge and experience to form the basis of their ability to efficiently manage remediation projects. It’s partnership with an accredited lab, Epoch Analytical Inc, enables our experts to ensure accurate, quality results with a quick turnaround, from the proposal stage through to project completion.
1. How do I submit building material samples for analysis?
2. How quickly can I receive my results?
3. What are the likely sources of asbestos in my home?
4. What is the cost to test?
5. Why choose an accredited lab vs non-accredited?
6. My lab results indicate there is (greater than) >0.5% of asbestos in my home, now what?
7. Where can I get more information about asbestos and how it should be handled?
8. When do you need a Pre-Renovation or Pre-Demolition Survey (also known as a Hazardous Materials Assessment)?

Bulk Sample Asbestos Identification using EPA600/R93/116
Airborne Asbestos Fiber Counting using Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) in accordance to NIOSH 7400
Gravimetric 400 and 1000 Point Count for Bulk Asbestos
Vermiculite Research Method by PLM using EPA600/ R-04/004
Lead Detection in Paints and Coatings
Lead (Pb) Detection by Open Beam X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis
Lead (Pb) Detection by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAA) NISOH 7082
Mold and Bacteria Analysis
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
of Epoch Analytical Inc.
EPOCH is accredited with the US National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for bulk asbestos sample analysis under NVLAP Code 200746-0.
EPOCH is accredited with the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) for airborne fiber analysis (Membership No. 3533).